love without hypocricy
Dr. Salim Munayer: Okanagan Tour
After my interview with Dr. Salim, I followed up by asking him to come to Canada. I also asked Phil Wagler to moderate. You might recall that Phil is the Global leader of the Peace and Reconciliation Network (PRN) of Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. Dr. Salim graciously accepted the invitation and did a Tour of Peace here in the Okanagan as well as the lower mainland.
It was an education, and a delight to spend time with Dr. Munayer and I am hopeful to travel to Jerusalem next year. Please pray for that decision.
The first part of this video has Dr. Munayer explaining narrative in general and how entrenched we can become; refusing to acknowledge additional and sometimes oppositional data into our existing narrative. The second half of this video, Dr. Munayer proceeds to unfold the Palestinian narrative in particular.
This project was in cooperation with PRN. Many thanks to Phil and his volunteer team, of which I count myself blessed to be part of. In addition, Graham Ord, musician, composer, singer/songwriter created a masterful piece called Lament. Graham was kind enough to show his video at the opening of this event, and I will post it on the channel as well. Dr. Munayer opens the first session asking Graham for permission to post it on the Musalaha website.
The original video consists of three hours of footage. For the sake of time, I have provided the most important components; you will not hear from myself or PRN in this video. Thank you for watching.
Three Jews On Israel-Palestine
This is an insightful, heartfelt, high level conversation between author & physician Gabor Mate and his two sons on the history of the conflict and how it impacts the current madness.
Testimony Of A Palestinian Girl
A human used as a shield is never the strategy of a moral army. An army found to be using humans as a shield is found to be a terrorist regime.
Israel-Palestine For Dummies: Session Two
This is a segment of an interview that I did with Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro. He reveals the differences between Zionism and Judaism as well as his motivation for writing a recent book entitled The Empty Wagon: Zionism’s Journey From Identity Crisis To Identity Theft.
Israel-Palestine For Dummies: Session One
Remembering The Non-Emergency That Caused An Act of Malevolence
As Chrystia Freeland bemoans Justice Mosley’s ruling that determined her government’s use of the Emergency Act against the Freedom Convoy as unconstitutional, many Canadians are hailing the decision to be the only lawful, and logical conclusion that could by delivered...
A Case For Unvaccinated Health Care Workers In BC
In this video lawyer Charlene Le Beau lays out her defense for health care workers in British Columbia at the BC Supreme Court.
Introduction: Israel-Palestine For Dummies
Over the next few weeks, Conversation Cafe will be doing a series on the Israel-Palestine Conflict. Included in this series will be an interview with a Rabbi and a pastor. Conversation Cafe will explore the conflict from an historical perspective as well as the current iteration of the conflict on October 7.

I’m June
Conversation Café is an initiative I created to engage people in peaceful, creative ways about important matters and current issues.