love without hypocricy
Seeing The Enemy As Human
New Year Thoughts and a quick reading from: Drinking The Sea At Gaza by Amira Hass.
Israel-Palestine For Dummies: Session Two
This is a segment of an interview that I did with Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro. He reveals the differences between Zionism and Judaism as well as his motivation for writing a recent book entitled The Empty Wagon: Zionism’s Journey From Identity Crisis To Identity Theft.
Determining Support For Israel As Complicit With War Crime
In a recent interview on The Thinking Muslim, Tayab Ali, A lawyer specializing in counter terrorism, international security and international law, stated that he will not allow the West to get away with complicity to the war crimes being perpetrated against the...
Israel-Palestine For Dummies: Session One
Canadian Conversation Cocktail
I have a candy dish that reads ‘I’ll be home for Christmas… and in therapy after that.” Some of us dread the family gathering for various reasons, including the fights over prickly topics. Instead of avoiding difficult conversations this season, there is a strategy...
Peace Sunday At Metro
Last Sunday at Metro Community I was honored to present some thoughts on Peace. Please have a listen and add your comments.

I’m June
Conversation Café is an initiative I created to engage people in peaceful, creative ways about important matters and current issues.