I was asked to speak at Metro Community Church on Sunday, November 26. We had been studying through a series about life in the Spirit. This particular Sunday was the wrap up with peace as the theme. I had just participated in the workshop: How To Have Difficult Conversations When the Stakes are High. The therapist explained that in a heightened state of anxiety, the thinking/rationale part of the brain is highjacked by the “lizard brain” which operates our fight, flight, or freeze response. During this state it is impossible to make rational decisions. My mind wandered to Christ’s words while being interrogated: He informed Pilate that he had the power to destroy him and anyone else if he so chose. He chose peace, and life through self sacrifice. We witness His flood of emotions in the garden as he bled through his skin in distress. He didn’t deny his agony, He hurled it up to God, His only place of trust and refuge. Before the thorns, the nails, the whip, the jeers and the cross, Christ overcame the base human response by working it through with His Father. This is our path as Christians. The following is my presentation at Metro. Please have a listen and add your thoughts to the discussion.